Yesterday I went to my 37 week OB appointment. I was expecting it to be pretty normal but that was hardly the case. After checking my blood pressure 3 different times on the digital monitor, and it being high every single time, they got out the manual monitor. It was high then, too. The past few visits prior to yesterday my BP has been high the first time they took it, but by the second time it was within normal range. That wasn't the case yesterday. It started to worry me a little because I have always had excellent BP... like right on to what it should be.
(BTW, urine was fine- no protein found).
**Update: Apparently there WAS a small amount of protein found in my urine and I didn't find out til 2 days later.**
**Update: Apparently there WAS a small amount of protein found in my urine and I didn't find out til 2 days later.**
Next they took me back to a room and checked Kynlee's heartbeat- 143bpm. When the doc came in she measured my belly but I forgot to ask what I was measuring at. I'm sure I'm still measuring ahead, though, since that's been the case the entire pregnancy. She then checked my cervix since I've still been having a lot of cramping and pressure. I was (am?) still dilated to only 1 cm but she said my cervix has thinned more since last week.
I thought I might be leaking amniotic fluid so she checked for that, too. The speculum procedure was very uncomfortable and I'd even say painful--but I wanted to be sure there was plenty of fluid for Kynlee! An ultrasound after confirmed that she still has plenty to "swim" in. (Also confirmed that she is still a girl, lol).
After the ultrasound I was put into an observation-type room. They checked my BP an additional 4 times over the course of an hour while I was in there. It still wouldn't come down low enough to be in the normal range so doc had orders for me to go to the hospital to L&D for monitoring and blood work.
By this time, Luke was getting out of class so I waited a few minutes on him to meet me there before going on to L&D (my doc's office is literally right across the street from the hospital).
We got there, registered, and we were then sent to a very small room with no windows-- I was feeling very claustrophobic! They hooked me up to a BP monitor, a heart rate monitor for Kynlee, and another to check for contractions. The first two BP readings at the hospital were very high, but after that they seemed to settle down some- although still being considered high.
When my urine sample (second one of the day) came back, the doc said I was dehydrated and ordered some IV fluids. They also had to do the blood work so [luckily] I only got stuck once and she took the blood from the vein that the IV was going into.
About an hour later, the nurse came back in and said, "Good news! Your blood work came back fine and you can go home." Well, this WAS good news because I didn't want to stay overnight in the hospital. However, I had only had half of the bag of fluids and I was very annoyed that I had to have them in the first place. (I know, I know-- it's what they thought was best for the baby... but seems like I should have finished the bag off if it was that much of a concern. And if you know me then you know that I HATE IV's. Period.)
I also thought it was strange that my last BP check before I was discharged was still high, but I was allowed to go home anyway. (So what was the purpose of me being there in the first place?).
Bottom line- the nurses were wonderful. The on-call doctor last night was the male doctor in the practice that I do not like AT ALL. And you know what? He never, not ONCE, came into the room to see me or check on me yesterday. A 37+week pregnant woman with high BP and I don't even get to speak with the doctor? I mean is this normal?? (This is the same doc that would never call us back-after several attempts-when I had my kidney stones 5wks ago after I was discharged from hospital and needed to speak with the on-call doc). Ughh I swear I like him less and less as time goes on.
I go back tomorrow morning for a follow-up visit at my OB's office. I will be seeing one of the NP's, though, and not my doc. Please be in prayer that my BP comes down and that I won't have any more dealings with Dr. Male. I'll update when I know more!
Glad you and Kynlee are ok! I'll be praying your appointment tomorrow goes well!