Friday, August 20, 2010

Frugal Friday

First off let me just say that I am SO excited about a recent purchase, hence having a special post just about it!

As a prior "Club O" member thru, I had the opportunity to accumulate points through purchases made on my card. After so many points, they would send me a $25 Gift Certificate to use on the website. I have acquired several of these gift cards but many I just put to the side "for a later date." This means that I ended up losing most of them. 
 However, today the hubs and I were cleaning out my car and getting ready to put Kynlee's carseat in (!!!) when I came across one of the gift certificates. I frantically searched the paperwork for an expiration date, expecting it to be expired by now, but still hoping that it hadn't. Down near the bottom in tiny print I see "Expires: December 10, 2010."


I was so excited that I went straight inside and logged onto to begin searching for something, anything to buy (for Kynlee, of course).

I have been trying to decide on a playmat for some tummy time so I started looking at those. I came across the one I actually registered for and was excited to see that it was only $26.49! This is about the same price as it is on other websites/stores, so it wouldn't have been that great of a deal, EXCEPT I had the $25.00 Gift Certificate to use! 
This is a picture of the Tummy Time Fun 'Lady Bug' Playmat:
For whatever reason, the shipping was FREE (although it's usually only $2.95 anyway-very reasonable, in my opinion) so after my gift certificate I ended up only paying $1.49 TOTAL!!! I'm not sure if tax was already included or not, but the $1.49 is all I had to pay!

And that concludes my Frugal Friday shopping adventure! :)

**Disclaimer: This is not a paid post. I received the $25.00 gift certificate for being a Club O member and had to make my own purchases in order to accumulate points for the gift certificate.**


  1. Hi, I found your blog via Spotlight Saturday and decided to follow you. I hope you will come follow me too.

  2. Wow! That is awesome I love when I don't have to spend alot. When Jason and I were shopping for a stoller and carseat set we couldn't decide on which one so we waited and waited. Finally Target did a $99 sale on a stroller set we liked. So when we went to go get it they were all sold out! I was so upset. The girl at the desk said she would call around to other Targets for me and she found a store in Orlando that had 2 left. So Me,mom,and Carrie drove down there and bought it yeah! That is not the best part though. Jason works in the Pharmcy @ Target so he gets a 10% discount. Plus an extra 10% off card they sent him in the mail so we only ended up paying $69-$70 for the set!!! We could not believe it! It was awesome. I love saving money.=)


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